Success Stories

Success StoriesMeet Juliana Wang
From freelance illustrator to UX/UI designer. After completing studies in graphic design and fine art, Juliana Wang was a freelance illustrator for many years, contributing to editorial...
11 minutes read
Success StoriesMeet Abigail Miller
From pastry chef to SEO marketing. Introducing Abigail Miller, whose career change 8 years ago took her from working as a pastry chef in Michelin Star restaurants to her current role in SEO...
11 minutes read
Success StoriesMeet Jo Hamlyn
Making the transition from performing arts programme manager to web designer. After many years of finding joy in being a programme manager and helping people by nurturing their creative talents, Jo...
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Success StoriesMeet Catherine
From environmental public health scientist to student, teacher and gardener. Catherine left her position as an environmental public health scientist more than two years ago. She now works part...
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Success StoriesMeet Elena
Meet Elena, who changed career from advertising account manager to senior translator. Elena spent many years working in advertising at a London-based agency. It was during a sabbatical travelling...
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Success StoriesMeet Jennifer
From City of London PA to veterinary nurse. Working with animals and work that was fulfilling — these were Jennifer’s dreams. After many years working as a PA in the City of London, she decided to...
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Success StoriesMeet Ellie
Meet Ellie, whose career has progressed from trainee teacher to campaign management, business development management and customer success management. Once a trainee teacher, Ellie has also worked...
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Success StoriesMeet Corinne
After seven years of owning and operating her own niche business with her husband, Corinne became a mother and totally changed her outlook on work. When they sold their business, she had a new...
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Success StoriesMeet Neil
Meet Neil: from Business Development in Aviation to Manager in Media/Marketing Location: London, UK Current Position: New Business Manager for a Media/Marketing Agency Previous Job: Business...
10 minutes read
Success StoriesHow learning new skills launched a new small business
Providing opportunities to learn new skills while being supported by a qualified coach as clear benefits for Stay Nimble members. Member’s Joining Situation: The member is a craft entrepreneur and...
3 minutes read
Success StoriesMeet Ilaria: Career Change From Nanny to Digital Marketer
Ilaria left her native Italy, where she worked as a nanny, and moved to London a few years ago. At the time, she saw the move as a great opportunity to utilise her Social Work diploma, develop her...
4 minutes read
Success StoriesA Successful Career Change From Retail To Infrastructure Technician
Through our partnership with an East London Charity, this member received funded support through our Accenture social impact partnership. This included three hours of coaching time and access to the...
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Success StoriesMeet Nathalie - Career Change From Marketing To Production Accounting
Meet Nathalie, whose career has changed from Marketing Manager to becoming a Production Accountant with one of the biggest companies in the world. Member Name: Nathalie Siegel Member Location:...
5 minutes read
Success StoriesHow Career Coaching Can Help You Achieve Your Goals
Looking for work can be a long and lonely project. Securing that first job after completing study can be difficult for anyone. Friends and family may empathise, but they don’t always understand the...
3 minutes read
Success StoriesHow To Change Careers Into Meaningful Work - Hannah's Story
The world of work is changing rapidly, but expert guidance can provide the confidence and tools to impress employers with your unique transferable skills, enabling you to change jobs to work that is...
4 minutes read
Success StoriesMeet Adrianna
From TV producer to trainee psychotherapist. A veteran of the television industry, after more than 19 years in this field Adrianna began to feel that this profession and environment were no longer...
11 minutes read

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