Coaching and mentoring can help you to develop your career

by Jennifer Harper

Why should I work with a Career Coach or a Mentor? How can they help me?

These are good questions. Working with a Mentor or a Career Coach can help you to look at all aspects of your working life and your personal life, to identify what you really want, and then formulate a plan ahead. The next step is to do the groundwork in order to progress towards that goal.

A Mentor or Career Coach will challenge you and will make you accountable for your actions and decisions. This is a learning process, and one in which you must be open, honest and fully invested in order to gain maximum benefit. It is also essential that you are able to form a good relationship with your Coach.


The purpose of coaching is to make you ‘think’. 

  • Think about who you are. 
  • Think about the job you do. 
  • Think about where you want to be. 
  • Think about the kind of lifestyle you would like. 
  • Think about what success looks like to you. 
  • Think about what matters to you. 
  • Think about other factors that impact your life and decisions.

And when you have started to think, the Coach will then question you in order to help you recognise challenges that you face right now, or that you may face in the future. This gives you a framework through which to uncover what you want and identify the steps that you need to take in order to move forward in that direction.

It doesn’t stop there though. The Career Coach, or Mentor, will then work with you as you progress. This is an opportunity to evaluate what you are doing, as you do it – and re-evaluate every step of the way.

Who benefits from working with a Career Coach or a Mentor?

  • Anyone wanting to progress in their career.
  • Anyone who feels overlooked in the workplace.
  • Anyone who doesn’t enjoy their job.
  • Anyone wishing to change career.

What might coaching and mentoring involve?

There is no defined timescale for coaching – it can be a long, short or on-going process. It is usual to have regular meetings with your Coach or Mentor, whether weekly, fortnightly or monthly. This self-development means that:

  • You may have to acknowledge the mistakes you have made.
  • You may have to change your behaviour.
  • You may have to devote more time to work.
  • You may have to study.
  • You will have to network.
  • You will have to focus.

What are the benefits of having a Coach or Mentor?

There are many benefits to working with a Career Coach or a Mentor, including:

  • Career progression.
  • Job satisfaction.
  • Using your strengths to your advantage.
  • Overcoming your weaknesses.
  • Gaining increased confidence.
  • Having a confidante with whom to discuss ideas.
  • Empowerment.
  • Feeling supported.

How do I find a Career Coach or a workplace Mentor?

Stay Nimble has a number of qualified and registered Career Coaches who are already working with many members on their career progression – and who would be more than happy to work with you too.

If looking to find a workplace Mentor then try to identify someone within your place of employment who you respect, and who you aspire to emulate. Tell them that you would like to progress and would like to be mentored. If they can’t do this, they may be able to suggest someone who can. If they can, look, learn, listen and ask lots of questions.

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